He calls himself Flip in his head.  Used to remind himself of his childhood knick-name occasionally when he was back on earth, a general...   in a war the Croats helped stop.  Ancient history, more than 250,000 years from the day he left.   The number coming up made him think of Earth...  which he seldom did, after all this time;   there was still a pain there, surprisingly.  

Spot was aware of every molecule moving in the human, privy to his every thought without trying, part of the dimensional differences, that made him forever young, immortal for all practical purposes.
Feeling his companion dipping into grief did not effect the Croat, and it could have easily changed his mood thru chemical manipulations, though Flip accepted only those in his contract.  Spot's voice has the accent of an Analutian, race Flip met long ago and asked Spot to use, when he was more... curious and impressed.  

The mission never grew boring, tedious, maddening -- the Croat made sure his mind worked at a slightly raised level of Euphoria and optimism.  Flip didn't mind the help.  The project of the first two species to meet from different dimensions.   The Croats, through a lot of chance of scientific experiments done on earth that tore a hole in reality, entered earth...  long before they revealed themselves to humans, before they understand a material world.  Flip could not understand and Skip could not explain exactly what their existence was like, though they were  at peace...  and lived in what in the universe he now knew souls gained after death, and their release from the gravity of the life being born on earth.   

The Croats finally acted by stopping war.   Weapons, tanks, nukes, combat knives...  when someone tried to hit another person, they grew violently ill.   A voice then spoke in every language, to every human alive, telling humans they were not God, just beings like themselves, and they knew humans hated war and decided that they were obliged to interfere.   He had been like, HELL YES!  When he heard the news.  They never kept secrets though their answers to many questions were oblique, the answer simply beyond the human mind which they bluntly, without malice, often had to point out.   

They enjoyed humans, especially our urge to chart our stars, because ours being the first dimension they had discovered access to as well, they learned curiosity and realized they had always been curious, and here was a feast of new experiences for them... and perhaps ways to help humans to avoid what they quickly deciphered was the end for planet after planet -- the cycle of life, eat or be eaten, kill or be killed planets often destroyed themselves thru industrialization, or war.   Should they survive to reach space with such attitudes, a tyrant would rise, war... 

They left the planet from all sides, a Croat and a human, with more leaving every day back then.   Skip assured him earth still existed, said so once using the phrase, WE KNOW...   and after a hundred thousand years or so he learned the Croats were a bit like photons, they could communicate instantaneously among themselves, but evidently this was a rare phenomena.   They were immortal creatures who had forever, and had spent what seemed like forever in a dimension of souls, with no light of stars, nothing....  they lived knowing there was a loving God, in a zen state, shared by them all... though they traveled he said, always...  

"Spot.  You must see these years as nothing, eh?"
"They have given me more to be curious about than usual."
"Yeah, look at the stars?  Never let me tire of that sight..."
"This is a primitive 80 ... something, so we are myth making mostly.  Though we can remove the reason they all fight in the end, to have enough...  just enough.  Food creators and satellites to stop violence, before it can happen.  Their religions look . . . "
"Primitive Eighty One."
"Endless variations of the same theme.  God is the simplest . . .   you know."
"Simple gets trampled by the complexities of priesthoods, secrets, reputations of piety...  what do you think, two years, a hundred years?"
"I am only here to advise, observe, and preserve.  You make the decisions.  This is not Earth.  I think it is better to miss something than to forget it.'
"I was thinking...  as ya know.   You are right, thank you...  for... preserving me.   You are sure I would have went crazy if I was alone?"
"Statistically speaking, and using what you call common sense, I tend to think you would have gotten yourself killed long before you went mad...  but yes, though I would not.   We are different.  I have a connection that...   does not depend on time and space.   So I give you... some of that connection, it is a real emotion."
"I get that about as much as...  I can, I guess."
"The best stock answer you have come up with in 250, 002.8.9 years."
"Thank you.   I think.  Admitting ignorance...   could not do that in the military, which no I do not miss... yeah, why do I try to lie to you.   This is part of why I got out among the first.  Have we had this conversation before?"
"What difference would it make?"
"Not going to answer?"
"Primitive 81.   We will be close enough to send a message in thirty two minutes."
"The message of presents from non deity beings.  Complete with chains for their inner-monsters.  I wonder when they are this early...  I trust the psycho-future-historians, they are almost always right... but conflict. Well, whatever it takes to bring about peaceful peoples, save them from our fate...  without.  Amazing still.   I am about to try to take control of the destiny of a planet.  I could be a representative of a deity if I needed to be, but they are supposed to be early enough and advanced mentally enough to take the science, which takes more time."
Skip gives Flip a Jesus beard and hair, making him laugh as he shakes his head, No.   The hair disappears.
"Sacrilege...  like you have assured me God does not care what a soul does...'
"Interesting you do not say you have now met souls, but you..."
"I know, but God...  even saying I speak for a being that creates all of this, and so much more unseen... the endless dimensions that must exist...   it is... staying the old me, not growing,    

Spot knew as much, that he would respond with fondness, threw it in when the Croat felt he needed a boost. For a creature almost God like, he was see thru as a child at times, an obtuse puzzle at others.
